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                   Divine Touch

REIKI in Manchester, Cheshire and Lancashire

 Usui REIKI Master/Teacher & Meditation Coach                                                             CALL NOW: 07719204660 

 ACUPUNCTURE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Email :                                                                                      


'' Mira is a very talented and professional Reiki Master. Her teachings are clear and concise and she makes sure the knowledge was understood. THANK YOU for your time and effort xx ''

Mirela Seovicova



           REIKI LEVEL 1 


           REIKI LEVEL 2

           REIKI LEVEL 3


  • February on request

  • Mar 13th -Wed

  • Mar 14th - Thur

  • Mar 15th- Fri

  • Mar 16th - Sat

  • Mar 17th- Sun

  • Mar 18th- Mon

  • Mar 19th - Tue

  • Mar 20th -Wed

  • Mar 21st - Thurs

  • Mar 22nd- Fri

  • Dates on request

  • April Dates on request

  • May 22nd /23rd -Reiki Level 1 Course 

  • June dates on request



Every REIKI level represents a higher vibrational step and connects the practinioner from high to  higher frequencies. The attunement involves opening the main central channel where the new energies are fixed. In this process The Master contracts the Hui YIN point to maintain a constant flux of energy through the extra-meridians Du Mai and Ren Mai in order to connect the student to the Energy Source.

There are required 21 days of self healing after initiation, during which the healing crisis occurs where you might experience: frequent urination, dizziness, sleepiness, flew symptoms that fade in a few hours, hyper-energizing ,nausea, appearance of period or light headache, you might feel diverse sensations in the Chakras.

This is where the body tells you the  self clearing process starts, it is good to nourish with plenty of water.




  • Acts very strongly on the physical level

  • Produces changes on a mental and spiritual level

  •  Your hands and crown chakras are connected to the life force energy

  • This level is an introductory level suitable for anyone

  • This level is for YOU if you wish to set up a Practice to help others, family and friends

  • You will learn the history of Reiki Usui

  • You will learn anatomical parts of the body, notions about Aura field and CHAKRAS 

  • You will learn hand positions for emergency

  • You will learn hand positions for treating yourself and others

  • You will learn healing methods for animals and plants/methods to purify and energise objects,water,food,crystals

  • You will learn the Gassho meditation 

  • You will learn Japanese Techniques as taught by  DR. Sensei Usui

  • You will learn the Byosen Scannig- a technique to detect blockage and illness whilst scanning the patient's Aura

  • We will do REIKI practise

  • You will experience a healing guided meditation

  • You will receive the REIKI Level 1 Course Manual ,, REIKI the Healing Touch''-By William Lee Rand. It is an amazing source of information!

  • You will receive a REIKI Level 1 Certificate upon completion. 

  • Tea& coffee breaks

  • Duration- 2 days - £160   (Deposit £30)

  • If you have limited time we can do 1 day Intense Training -£130 (I would advise 2 days training to allow the energies to settle in and gain full understanding of anatomical and energetic body system )

  • For special needs please contact me to have a discussion

Healing Manchester

''Mira was a welcoming and friendly teacher. She took time to explain important areas to me and was happy to discuss and answer any questions I had. 

Mira is very knowledgeable  and shares her gifts and also helps you to build up your own ideas for practicing. I look forward to progressing to Reiki Level 2 with Mira as a mentor. My optimism for a future career in healing has been greatly inspired by my work and teachings with Mira. THANK YOU very much! Shadilay! ''

Nick Pattie.

Next course Reiki Level 1 is held on 26 Jun, 27 June Enroll Now :



Between Level 1 and Level 2 MUST be a break of at least 1 month

This Level is known as the REIKI Usui Level 2 Practitioner or as the REIKI Second Degree 

At this degree there will be taught 3 symbols. The REIKI symbols are Kanji Japanese, meaning they are words in in the Japanese language. They are transcendental in their function and they access the energy, controlling the energy flow, purely functioning as transformers.

  • You Must have completed REIKI Usui Level 1 in order to take Reiki Usui Level 2 Degree

  • At this Level you will have access to a higher frequency through the Attunement received

  • The strengh of the energy will be increased

  • Acts very strongly on the mental, emotional and physical body

  • You will be Attuned to three Usui Symbols 

  • You will be taught the meaning and the use of the Power Symbol, The Mental-Emotional Symbol and The Distant Symbol

  • You will learn how to treat yourself and others with the use of the Three Symbols

  • You will be able to use REMOTE/ DISTANCE healing anywhere in the world

  • You will learn how to use distant healing on a photography and the use of crystals

  • You will learn Usui Japanese techniques like: 

  • Reiji-Ho( develop your intuition)

  • Koki-Ho(sending REIKI through the breath)

  • Gassho Kokyu Ho(respiration exercise for a stable consciousness and to clear the mind)

  • Lazer-Ho(concentrate the energy in a point - to work on abscess, tumors,nodules)

  • Gyo-Shi( the fixed look technique)

  • Sei He Ki Chriryo ( this method helps to REMOVE ADDICTIONS)

  • We will practice  the new techniques

  • We will do a guided meditation

  • You will receive a REIKI Level 2 Certificate upon succesful completion

  •  coffee&tea breaks

  • Duration: 2 Days- £ 200 or 1 day Intense Training £170 -Deposit (£40)

REIKI  Level 3/ REIKI MASTER Practitioner/ ART-Advanced Reiki Training


Between REIKI Usui Level 2 and ART REIKI Usui Level 3/Master Practitioner must be a break of minimum 3 months -during which auto-therapy continues and all techniques  taught at  REIKI Level 1 course and REIKI Level 2  course are practiced.

This degree is dedicated to those who want to cover absolutely everything about  The REIKI USUI .

After achieving  The REIKI Usui Level 3 you are ready to attune in The Karuna REIKI Level 1&2 - with a 6 months break in between Levels.

You must complete The REIKI Master Practitioner in order to achieve The REIKI Master/Teacher Level

  • At this level you will receive Attunement to The REIKI Master Symbol

  • You will be able to access a higher energy frequency

  • You will learn how to create  a Crystal Grid and how to utilize it in remote healing

  • You will learn how to do Psychic Surgery /Aura Clearing-removing negative energy 

  • You will be taught how to do The Moving Meditation using the Master Symbol for grounding, centering and energising

  • You will learn how to  send energy to Empower Goals and Empower Projects

  • You will do a guided Meditation- you might find this an amazing experience

  • You will receive William Lee Rand's USUI/TIBETAN Advanced Training REIKI Trainning Manual

  • You will receive a REIKI Level 3/ART Master Practitioner Certificate upon successful completion

  •  tea&coffee breaks :)

  • Duration -2 Days -£230 (Deposit £50)

Dazzling Light

In order to learn REIKI Master Teacher Level you must have REIKI Level 3 or ART REIKI Master Practitioner.

Depending of my measurements for the person in question, I will reflect on  giving Attunement for both REIKI  Master Practitioner ART and REIKI MASTER TEACHER at once.


  • You will receive the Tibetan/REIKI MASTER Attunement

  • You will receive teaching on how to give REIKI Attunements ​for all REIKI levels

  • You will learn on how to give yourself a Healing Attunement and to others

  • You will be taught two additional Tibetan Symbols specific to this level

  • You will be taught the Usui style of REIKI ATTUNEMENT as well as the Usui/Tibetan system of REIKI ATTUNEMENT

  • We will do plenty of practice and some meditation

  • You will receive a REIKI MASTER TEACHER Certificate upon completion

  •  tea&coffee breaks :)

  • You will receive  William Lee Rand's USUI REIKI RYOHO MASTER TEACHER MANUAL

  • Duration- 2 Days - £350 for  REIKI USUI MASTER TEACHER or 3 days-£450 for  REIKI  USUI ART LEVEL 3/REIKI MASTER TEACHER ( Deposit £100)

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